Tag: cast

Heating a Camp Cast Iron Dutch Oven

Heating a Camp Cast Iron Dutch Oven

Cook anything in a Camp Cast Iron Dutch Oven with these easy steps. How to heat the oven. How many Briquettes / Coal / Charcoal to use. Baking Frying Roasting.

Beer and Chicken Bone Broth

Beer and Chicken Bone Broth

Does making your own broth take time? Sure, it does! So does eating a meal. But, I can “Guar-Ron-Tee” dat eating a bad meal takes longer than eating a good meal. Do you want them plates and bowls to end up at the sink with…

Beer Brined Coffee Crusted Pork Roast

Beer Brined Coffee Crusted Pork Roast

Ugly Food Tastes Delicious

Though I love cooking with beer, some of the recipes on Beer and Iron have other liquid ingredients than just those found in a frosty glass or mug…we’re talking about ingredients we love in a cup…normally in a cup with a near-by glazed doughnut or four. I’m talking about coffee. There are so many things to create with coffee as an ingredient. Now, what about a recipe that uses coffee AND beer!? Though we are Beer and Iron and not Coffee and Iron, there’s plenty of times where I will cook with cast iron while drinking coffee. So there!

Isn’t it funny how some food pics on your favorite Facebook groups taken by folks with a cell phone look rather yucky? It’s not their fault. Nope and it’s not my fault when I share those ugly photos. It’s the food’s fault. Sometimes we just can’t make food “look” delicious in a photograph. You have to eat it to know and let your taste buds tell you how beautiful it is. Food beauty is not only in the eyes of the beholder but in the mouth of the maven. Paradoxically, I am sure that “pretty” looking food sometimes tastes like crap-a-rama. Ahhh, it is what it is. Bottom line, a coffee crusted pork roast will not be photogenic after 7-9 hours in a 200°F (95°C) oven as I am sure you can see (tongue-in-cheek). You’re gonna have to try this to see…rather TASTE…what I am talking about. 

Nonetheless and truth be known, you can’t take pretty pictures of ugly food. And this deep black pork roast photographs about as “pretty” as that coworker’s baby pics she keeps showing everyone. And just like that coworker loves her baby, you’ll love this recipe for coffee-crusted pork roast. It is delicious! Don’t let your eyes fool you!

What to Expect

There are two products that you will end up with at the end of your cook: 

  1. A Dark, Coffee Crusted, Fork-Tender Pork Roast
  2. A Cup (or less) to a Quart (or more) of dark, coffee-looking broth.


READ ME: Broasting, (Roasting and Braising) a pork roast is almost exactly like broasting a beef, lamb, or wild game roast. If you want an in depth how-to on preparing a roast using the low-and-slow method, follow this link: https://beerandiron.com/2023/01/low-and-slow-roast

The Coffee

Use a good coffee. And when I say “good” I mean “good” to you. If you are a Folgers drinker, then use Folgers. If you are a Seattle’s Best drinker, use Seattle’s Best. Don’t use a coffee that you (subjectively) feel is an inferior coffee. If you don’t like the coffee as a drinking coffee, you ain’t gonna like it as a cooking coffee either.

It’s a little different with beer…yes it is. My wife is not an IPA beer drinker but LOVES a chicken brined in a nice citrusy, hazy IPA beer. Me? I do not like sweet beers. NOPE! But I do love a good pork roast or ribs brined in a sweet beer. On the flip side, I LOVE ME SOME OLD RASPUTIN by Northcoast. “Love” like my-wife-is-almost-jealous, kinda love. Anyway, once upon a time there was a pot of stew that I just knew was going to turn out amazing with a nice 16-ounce bottle added…the bitterness that resulted was overwhelming. With a salty beef stew and that bitterness lacking the opposing sweetness…needless to say that stew didn’t get me any thumbs up that evening (no worries to my wonderful Northcoast Brewery; there’s a whole arsenal of beers y’all brew that do find their way into my cast iron pots).

While creating this recipe on the different roasts, I tried a couple of things that many of you all will either ask me “can I..” or you will just try it to see. Here, let me save you some trouble:

  1. Don’t use Expresso or a Fine Ground Coffee
  2. Don’t use the “used” Coffee Grounds
  3. Use only FRESH Coffee Grounds

Don’t Use Expresso – Use a grind that would be considered a grind course enough for a drip coffee pot. The type of coffee is not the consideration here, it’s how fine the coffee is ground

There is no coffee plant variety known as “expresso.” There are beans that are better for expresso than others but for the most part, any coffee if it’s ground finely enough will work to make expresso. But, just because it’s labeled as “expresso” doesn’t mean it will work in an expresso maker. When picking a coffee for this recipe, don’t use a fine grind, use a coarse grind. Lucky for us, that’s most every single bag or can of coffee in that grocer’s section.

I am not a coffee connoisseur and know only a few things about coffee:

  1.   The Coffee / Brewing I like is not universally enjoyed.
  2.   Passing Coffee shops and brewing my own coffee usually avoids disappointment.
  3.   Gas Station coffee is usually not as good as it smells. You buy gas station coffee for the idea of coffee.

Fresh, dry coffee grounds only. Yes, I did and I won’t do it again. First of all, we are creating dry rub. Using wet, used coffee grounds clumps up the other ingredients; it’s a no-go! Second, that flavor from those grounds are in your cup and no longer in those grounds. They are good for one thing after that morning’s coffee: Fertilizer (actually…worms love used coffee grounds…throw those grounds into your lawn and watch the magic).

A note on coffee and the dinnertime hour. This recipe is often created for dinner…the evening meal. And, like most, your bed time is likely not far behind dinner. I’ve always used regular, caffeinated coffee grounds on my roast for this recipe. However, I have never had trouble falling asleep after eating a nice coffee-crusted pork roast nor have I had trouble sleeping after having a stew or soup created by using the broth that is created during this cooking process. Caffeine does not “cook out” like alcohol. There will be some caffeine in both the roast and the broth it produces if you use regular coffee. With that being said, I have used de caffeinated coffee as well with the same amazing flavor.

The Pork Roast Cut

The Pork Roast Choice. Like beef, there are cuts that will not do well if cooked for a long time like this recipe call for. Considering the Loin, Tenderloin, and Pork Chops, reserve these cuts for different cooking methods. Don’t cook Loin, Tenderloin, or Pork Chops using this method. There are many Coffee-Crusted Loin and Tenderloin recipes that are similar to this one but are different all the same.

The cuts to look for are cuts like Butt, Shoulder, Ribs, and Belly. You want cuts that “look” like there is a lot of fat on the meat. Much of that fat will find its way off the meat and into the broth that is created. And, you may be surprised as to how little fat you actually created in that broth (then again, sometimes you’ll be surprised as to how much you created). Some of that “white stuff” on the cut of pork is not fat. Some of that is connective tissues that will break down during this low-and-slow cook and be part of why this roast is so tender after cooking for so long. As well, that non-fat “white stuff” will add so much to the nutrition of this roast.

As per the USDA website: “Cooking Whole Cuts of Pork: USDA has lowered the recommended safe cooking temperature for whole cuts of pork from 160 ºF to 145 ºF with the addition of a three-minute rest time.” We are going to reach 145 ºF long before we are done cooking this roast. So, don’t consider this roast “done” at 145 ºF. Paraphrasing Buzz Lightyear, “To 145ºF / 63ºC and BEYOND!”

This is an easy recipe. There is no searing or anything. Just brine, coat, and cook; that’s all. 

I am going to have to tell you, though this recipe is created with a sweet stout, the best beer to enjoy the sweetness and nuttiness of this coffee-crusted pork roast is with nice IPA or easy-drinking-lager. Brine this pork roast in sweetness and eat this pork roast with hoppiness. For me…the hoppier the better.

It’s BOTH! An entrée and an ingredient

This recipe is essentially a meal and also an ingredient. It’ll eat like any meat on the plate with a nice side of green beans and mashed potatoes. That broth this roast will create will make for a WONDERFUL gravy for those mashed potatoes.

More often than not, we use this recipe to create the pulled pork for many, many other ideas from sandwiches to pizza. Creating enchiladas with this pulled pork will create a South-of-the-Border dish that is even more southern that our wonderful Mexico neighbors. Coffee from places South, South-of-the-Border like Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru (to name only a few) will take your Mexican dishes to the next level. 

Get creative with it! Make something new and exciting.


Beer and Iron Recipe Subscription

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I HATE SPAM TOO! Read my Privacy Policy for more Information.

Beer to Use

Pork tents to lend itself to sauces that are on the sweet side. For me, I don’t like meat that is too sweet but I do like a hint of sweetness with my pork roast and pork ribs. There are a few exceptions but very few. With pork, sweetness does enhance the flavor.

It’s kinda like beer. You have your malts (sweet) and your hops (bitter). Together they are an amazing duo! It’s sort of the same way with pork. A bit of sweetness…not too much…and the flavor comes alive!

I will brine this pork roast for 2-5 days in a nice beer that is on the sweet side. But, I don’t add sugar to my coffee dry rub. You are more than welcome to add a bit of brown sugar to your dry rub if you like your pork roast a little bit on the sweeter side. My suggestion is to follow this recipe and then add sugar to the dry rub the next time you prepare it if you felt this first go was not as sweet as you prefer.

It was funny. As I started writing this section of this recipe, I ended up with a whole story about a beer we used to use to brine our pork roasts and pork ribs in. Read the slightly embellished tale here: https://beerandiron.com/2023/01/sin-tax-story-of-love-and-loss

A nice on-the-sweet-side porter or stout will do this roast great. We use three pints in a large zipper bag. Just pour the three pints into the large zipper bag, add the salt (1 tablespoon of kosher salt per 12-ounces of beer), and mix about. Then, all you have to do is drop the pork roast into the bag of beer brine and set the whole package up and into the refrigerator until the morning of the day you plan to cook.

Here’s a story about the beer we used in the video: https://beerandiron.com/2023/01/sin-tax-story-of-love-and-loss

The Cast Iron

Select a Cast Iron Dutch Oven that will hold the size of the roast “comfortably.” Don’t have an over-full Dutch oven. Normally your standard 5-quart Dutch will work A-OK with most pork roasts you find at the market. But larger roasts may call for you to pull your 7- or even your 9-quart Dutch oven. You want some air space all around the roast and to take the broth as it’s produced. Whereas, don’t put a 3 pound roast in a 9-quart Dutch oven. Some room, but not a lot of room. As long as the roast isn’t touching the sides of the Dutch oven and the lid will close without pressing the lid down, you are okay. You want the roast to be comfortable but not sitting in a Dutch oven so large in comparison that you’d just soon leave the roast in the open oven and roast it.

Considering a camp Dutch oven, you are okay with going a little larger and leaving a bit more air space around the roast. The heat source in a camp Dutch oven is the Dutch oven (briquettes) and a bit of air space is good to allow for even cooking. It is worth noting that cooking this roast in a camp Dutch oven will require quite a few briquette / coal changes.

Most 5-quart Dutch ovens have a simple, round lid. Some of the larger Dutch oven’s have a pour spout or two on the rim at the 12 o’clock and the 6 o’clock side of the rim (if the handles are at 9 and 3 o’clock). The lid for these Dutch ovens have “wings” that cover these pour spouts. If you are using a Dutch oven with these pour spouts, be sure to line the lid up to keep them covered while the roast is cooking. It’s amazing how much moisture will escape from these pour spouts; your roast just may turn out dry.

The Supplies 

 We are going to brine the roast, truss the roast, mix a dry coffee-rub to roll the roast in, and roast (braise and roast) the roast (that’s a lot of “roasts”). I will include (affiliate) links:

  1. Large Zipper Bag or Bowl Large enough to hold the brine and keep the roast submerged. https://amzn.to/3WikJiU
  2. Tablespoon Measuring Spoon https://amzn.to/3QBR7vm
  3. Teaspoon Measuring Spoon https://amzn.to/3QBR7vm
  4. ½ Cup Measuring Cup https://amzn.to/3GMgpmi
  5. Butcher’s Twine to Truss the Roast https://amzn.to/3iwvDDP
  6. Scissors to Cut the Butcher’s Twine https://amzn.to/3IMPKYV
  7. Trivet to set the Roast on in the Dutch Oven https://amzn.to/3Xq0joY
  8. Paper towels to pat dry the roast.
  9. Tray to set the roast on (SO USEFUL). https://amzn.to/3CNR0r7
  10. Fork to test for Fork-Tenderness
  11. Strainer to strain the broth at the end of the cook: https://amzn.to/3HZcT9N
  12. Bowl to catch the strained broth
  13. Mason Jars to store the broth: https://amzn.to/3X0k7yA
  14. Plastic Lids for the wide mouth Mason Jars: https://amzn.to/3leGser
  15. Canning Funnel: https://amzn.to/3DHMaMh

Link to Lodge 5-Quart Two-Handle: https://amzn.to/3w2DDQ8

Link to Lodge 7-Quart Two-Handle: https://amzn.to/3QFyG9p

Link to Lodge 9-Quart with the Bail Handle: https://amzn.to/3H5e9aM

You will see me cooking with my 5-Quart (https://amzn.to/3Wis7uE), 7-Quart (https://amzn.to/3GGPIiy), and 9-Quart (https://amzn.to/3H5e9aM) Iron Dutch Ovens with Bail Handle. Truth be known, I think if I had to go back (and likely will), I’d stick with the two-handles (links above).

Note the Trivet. Using a trivet is totally optional. This roast will produce a nice broth with plenty of fat and juices that are piping full of flavor. I don’t want my roast to boil in these juices and prefer to keep the roast (as I do most all my roasts) off the bottom of the pan.

I use a round trivet from Lodge. I stack two of these trivets on top of each other. If you have not used a trivet when you cook, you should give it a try.

Most of the trivets I see for sale on sites like Amazon are meant to be used for protecting non-cooktop surfaces (setting hot pots upon rather to cook food upon). This is not a complaint but more of a concern. Not all trivets are to be used INSIDE the Dutch oven during cooking. Many are meant for decoration and to set the hot Dutch oven upon. If the trivets come with little rubber grippers on the little legs…don’t use it in the pot with or without the rubber parts; these are likely trivets to be used outside the pot.

We have two round trivets that are meant for cooking. We have a third oval one that has been stripped and can be used inside the oven. A trivet is optional in this recipe but suggested. PLUS: those round trivets work GREAT as a bacon press.


3-5 Pound Pork Roast (Pork Roast Shown in the video is at 4.3 pounds). The limits to the size of your roast is limited to the size of your pot.

A few tablespoons of a rich, tasty mustard.

Salt Beer Brine (1 Tablespoon of Salt to 12-Ounces of Beer)

The Dry Rub:

½ Cup Coffee Grounds Fresh

1 Teaspoon Pepper

1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder

1 Tablespoon Onion Powder

2 Tablespoons of Smoked Paprika

1 Tablespoon Thyme

1 Tablespoon (Heaping) Rubbed Sage or a Level Tablespoon of Ground Sage

You are more than welcome to add a couple or three tablespoons of brown sugar if you prefer your pork roasts on the sweeter side.

We don’t add Salt to our Dry Rub because this roast has been in a salt-beer brine for the past 2-5 days. Like sweetness, if you find this recipe to be lacking in the salt department, next time add a teaspoon of salt to the dry rub and see how it turns out.

Also, you can add other ingredients to your dry rub (or even brine) depending on your end result specifics. For example, you may want to prepare your coffee-crusted pork roast for fajitas. You can add a bit of chili or cumin to the brine or rub or you can just wait and add it at the table. Totally up to you.

And that’s it. Basically, a pat dried pork roast covered with a thin layer of tasty mustard rolled around in a coffee dry rub until coated.


Prepare the Ingredients

Cooking Times. The cook time on this roast is low-and-slow. I know you want more clarity. This morning, I am cooking the roast with this final recipe to ensure I have it spot-on right. I put the roast in at 9:30am and will pull it out at 5:30pm. That’s eight hours. It’s about 4 ½ pounds in a 5-quart Dutch oven at 200°F (95°C).  Not only will this turn out fork-tender, I’ll likely be able to cut that roast with a fork.

What I love about a low-and-slow recipe is this: I know that the roast will be ready at 5:30pm. I often use my roast (beef, pork, lamb, game) as ingredients in other recipes. We are having pulled pork fajitas tonight. I will need some bell peppers and onions cut and sautéing by the time 5:30 rolls around. At about 4:30 or 5:00, I will start with all the other preparations. I can rest assured that it will all come together at the same time.

Oh…and there is no searing.

Step 1: A few days before you plan to cook the roast, pick up a nice pork roast from the market and bring it home to brine.

Step 2: Using a large zipper bag, pour in enough beer that would keep the pork roast submerged in the brine. We usually use 3 pints (three 16-ounce beers) or 48 ounces. 48 ounces divided by twelve is four. We will use 4 tablespoons of salt with those 3 pints to create our brine. By the way, 48 ounces is four 12-ounce beers.

Step 3: Place the roast into the brine and zipper up the bag. Place the bag holding the brining pork roast in a container large enough to “catch” any spillage while in your refrigerator.

Step 4: Let the roast brine for 2-5 days or even a bit longer.

Ready To Cook – Preheat your oven to 200°F (95°C).

Step 5: On the morning of the day you are planning to have a pork roast dinner. Remove the roast in the brine from the refrigerator. Let it sit out and “rest” a bit at room temperature. You’ll never get it to room temperature and nor should you. My suggestion to keep this simple is this: when you wake up, pull the roast down and let it sit out (either in the brine or out). “Do” your normal morning activities for that particular day. About 8-9 hours before “dinner time,” prepare your roast per this recipe. Then let it cook for 7-8 hours.

Step 6: Place a few paper towels in the bottom of a tray, plate, or bowl. Remove the dripping roast from the brine and set it on top of the paper towels in the tray, plate, or bowl.

NOTE: Do you see how the sections of meat are sort of separating? You may need to truss the meat before you proceed. Trussing is totally optional though may keep your roast from “flattening out” during the cooking process.

Step 7: Pat the roast dry. Just a once or twice over will do the trick. No over-thinking this part. If it still “glistens” a bit from the light, no worries. It’s good enough. We just don’t want it dripping if we were to hold it up.

Step 8: Apply a thin layer of mustard to the roast. If you don’t like mustard, don’t add it. The tackiness of the roast will gather enough of the dry rub ingredients if you prefer not to add the mustard. This roast will not turn out to taste like a mustard roast. Just add a thin layer of mustard to the roast and set the roast aside. It’s okay if the roast is “sitting” on a side that you applied mustard to. It’s A-OK.

Step 9: Create your dry rub. Just blend all the ingredients together and in a bowl. Make sure the dry rub is blended well.

Step 10: Apply the dry rub ingredients to the roast. You can either pour the dry rub onto a plate or tray and turn the roast into the dry rub or you can pour the dry rub right onto the roast and roll it around until coated.

Note: There will be dry rub left over. You can either save it or toss it. Seems wasteful, but it’s like battering a chicken or corn meal-ing a fish filet, there’s always a little that didn’t get used. Because a raw pork roast has been rolling around in that dry rub, we just toss it. Otherwise, you have to date it and remember this-that-and-the-other. Truth be known, it ain’t that much to worry with. 

Step 11: Set a trivet in the bottom of your Dutch oven. This is optional. It will cook just fine and dandy sitting on the bottom of that Dutch oven. We usually use a trivet when we cook this recipe and especially when we cook this roast (or any roast) in a camp Dutch oven.

Step 12: Place the coffee-crusted pork roast on the trivets in (or the bottom of the) Dutch oven. Cover the pot with the lid and give the lid a ½ turn. Look under the lid and note the top of the pork roast. If the lid did not “catch” the top of the roast when you turned the lid, you have enough air space between the lid and the roast.

Step 13: Place the covered, coffee-crusted pork roast in the oven for 6-8 hours (sometimes less and sometimes longer).

Later that Evening

Step 14: Using something to protect your hands from the hot Dutch oven, remove the roast from the oven. Have a fork at the ready before lifting the lid. Check for fork-tenderness. If the fork “goes into” the roast with ease, then your roast is ready!

If it does not pass the fork-tender test, cover the roast and place the roast back into the oven for another hour and check again. Keep checking until it’s done.

Step 15: Leave the roast to rest until you are ready to eat. This could be right away or a few minutes later. It’ll wait on you.

Step 16: After you have removed the roast from the Dutch oven, remove the trivets from the pot and place on a paper towel to “soak up” some of the broth and (especially) the oil/fat. This way, when you wash off your trivets, you will not wash that fat down the drain. That fat will coagulate at room temperature and eventually plug your drain.

Step 17: Pour over the broth and fat that remains in the Dutch oven and into a hot-safe storage container like a wide-mouth canning jar. This should be done before the fat starts to cool and clump up. You want the very warm broth and fat to get into the container you plan to store the broth and fat in before the fat starts to become solid. The fat will float to the top and “get hard” in the refrigerator (with some exceptions).

The broth will be as black as Blix’s Heart (see video for reference :\). A layer of oil/fat will rise to the surface. The oil/fat will solidify in the fridge and will be easy to remove and toss or cook with. Store the broth in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it or enough time has passed that you feel it should be tossed. How long will it keep in the refrigerator? I am not sure but if you feel it’s been too long; it’s been too long…chunk it!

The broth can be saved to create a soup or a stew. Believe it or not but I do enjoy this broth with a BEEF stew or soup.

Now you have an empty Dutch oven. Wipe the remaining “stuff” out of the Dutch oven with a paper towel and toss that paper towel. A quick wash out with hot water should do the trick. Pat dry the Dutch oven with a towel and you’re done!



Really and truly, it’s just that easy. This coffee rub works GREAT as a pork rib rub too.

You are going to find that you will have PLENTY of leftovers (unless you have a family the size of the Waltons). We will use these leftovers in other recipes. Tomorrow, I am going to take that left-over pork and use it with some cabbage. While some onions sauté in the cast iron Dutch oven, I’ll chop up a head of cabbage. Then I will add the cabbage along with some of this roast. That pork and cabbage will complement each other. And, that dinner will take me about 20 minutes prep time and 30 minutes cook time. My wife and I will likely cook together and reduce the time as well as spend time with each other.

Fajitas are easy too. Flour tortilla, drop some cheese that will melt when you add the hot pork roast meat. A bit of sautéed onion and bell pepper and you are cooking! We add tomato and lettuce for more of a soft taco “deal.” I know many of you will say, “well, then that’s not fajitas…” Not caring! Whatever you want to call it, I call it delicious!

Finally, I agree with you…this coffee crusted pork roast is not a pretty sight…I guess I could have thrown in some color to spruce it up. My wish is that you are intrigued and are going to give it a try. Then, you’ll taste it and love it and be programmed to see my ugly, black roast and think, “YUMMY!!”


Beer and Iron Recipe Subscription

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I HATE SPAM TOO! Read my Privacy Policy for more Information.

Beer-Brined Coffee-Crusted Pork Roast

Sweet beer-brined, roasted coffee-crusted Pork Roast cooked Low-and-Slow
Prep Time 2 days
Cook Time 8 hours
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 16
Calories 164 kcal


  • Lodge 5-Quart Dutch Oven
  • Large Zipper Bag For Beer Brining
  • Tablespoon measuring spoon
  • Tablespoon measuring spoon
  • ½ Cup Measuring Cup
  • Butcher's Twine to Truss the Roast
  • Scissors to Cut the Butcher's Twine
  • Trivet to set the Roast on in the Dutch Oven
  • Paper Towels to pat dry the roast
  • Trays to set the roast on (SO USEFUL)
  • Fork to test for Fork-Tenderness
  • Strainer to strain the broth at the end of the cook
  • Bowl to catch the strained broth
  • Mason Jars to store the broth
  • Plastic Lids for the wide mouth Mason Jars
  • Canning Funnel


  • 4 Pound Pound Pork Roast
  • 36 Ounce Sweeter Beer Brine Enough to cover the roast. (1 Tablespoon of Salt to 12-Ounces of Beer)
  • 3 TBL Kosher Salt
  • Mustard Amount depends on the size of the roast.

Dry Rub

  • ½ Cup Fresh Coffee Grounds
  • 1 tsp Black Pepper
  • 1 TBL Garlic Powder
  • 1 TBL Onion Powder
  • 2 TBL Smoked Paprika or Regular Paprika
  • 1 TBL Dry Thyme
  • 1 TBL Rubbed Sage or a bit less (or more) of ground sage


Pre Cook Brine

  • A few days before you plan to cook the roast, pick up a nice pork roast from the market and bring it home to brine.
  • Using a large zipper bag, pour in enough beer that would keep the pork roast submerged in the brine. We usually use 3 pints (three 16-ounce beers) or 48 ounces. 48 ounces divided by twelve is four. We will use 4 tablespoons of salt with those 3 pints to create our brine. By the way, 48 ounces is four 12-ounce beers.
  • Place the roast into the brine and zipper up the bag. Place the bag holding the brining pork roast in a container large enough to “catch” any spillage while in your refrigerator.
  • Let the roast brine for 2-5 days or even a bit longer.

Day of the Cook

  • About 8-9 hours before “dinner time,” prepare your roast per this recipe. Then let it cook for 7-8 hours.
  • Preheat your oven to 200°F / 95°C
  • Place a few paper towels in the bottom of a tray, plate, or bowl. Remove the dripping roast from the brine and set it on top of the paper towels in the tray, plate, or bowl.
  • Pat the roast dry. Just a once or twice over will do the trick.

Create your Coffee Dry Rub in a Separate Bowl

  • Add the ½ Cup of Dry Coffee Grounds
  • Add the 1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
  • Add the 1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder
  • Add the 1 Tablespoon Onion Powder
  • Add the 2 Tablespoons Smoked Paprika
  • Add the 1 Tablespoon Dry Thyme
  • Add the 1 Tablespoon Rubbed Sage

Prepare the Roast for the Oven

  • Apply a thin layer of mustard to the roast.
  • Apply the Coffee Dry Rub to the Roast by rolling the mustard-covered roast in the dry rub.
  • Set a trivet in the bottom of your Dutch oven (optional)
  • Place the coffee-crusted pork roast on the trivets in (or the bottom of the) Dutch oven. Cover the pot with the lid.
  • Place the covered, coffee-crusted pork roast in the oven for 6-8 hours (sometimes less and sometimes longer).

6-7 Hours Later

  • Remove the roast from the oven. Have a fork at the ready before lifting the lid. Check for fork-tenderness.
  • Leave the roast to rest until you are ready to eat. 
  • Pour over the broth and fat that remains in the Dutch oven and into a hot-safe storage container like a wide-mouth canning jar.


Prepare your self for the roast to go in with that red color of the dry coffee rub and come out of the oven so black it’ll look burned. You want this roast to look black when you pull it out of the oven about 6-8 hours after you put it in there. 
Don’t check on the roast until you are ready to check for fork-tenderness. 
What to Expect
There are two products that you will end up with at the end of your cook: 
A Dark, Coffee Crusted, Fork-Tender Pork Roast
A Cup (or less) to a Quart (or more) of dark, coffee-looking broth.


Serving: 4ozCalories: 164kcalCarbohydrates: 3gProtein: 22gFat: 7gSaturated Fat: 2gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 3gTrans Fat: 0.04gCholesterol: 68mgSodium: 1150mgPotassium: 458mgFiber: 1gSugar: 0.3gVitamin A: 965IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 41mgIron: 2mg
Keyword beer, beer brined chicken, Coffee, Low and Slow, Pork, Pork Roast, roast chicken
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Beef BEERguignon – A French Recipe with a Hoppy Twist

Beef BEERguignon – A French Recipe with a Hoppy Twist

Beef BEERguignon is born. Though I do enjoy cooking with wine, we’re going to stir things up a bit (pun intended). We’re going to cook this recipe with BEER!

Low and Slow Roast Beef, Pork, Lamb, Wild Meat in a Cast Iron Dutch Oven

Low and Slow Roast Beef, Pork, Lamb, Wild Meat in a Cast Iron Dutch Oven

Recipe Low and Slow Cast Iron Dutch Oven Roast

Beer and Chicken Bone Broth

Beer and Chicken Bone Broth

Does making your own broth take time? Sure, it does! So does eating a meal. But, I can “Guar-Ron-Tee” dat eating a bad meal takes longer than eating a good meal. Do you want them plates and bowls to end up at the sink with soup still in them or already licked squeaky clean?

This broth recipe is one of the base recipes that will be referred to over and over in recipe after recipe here on beerandiron.com.

The backbone of any soup, stew, and chili is the broth you use. If the broth is flavorful, the soup, stew, or chili will be flavorful. Let’s make this!

NOTE: You may have noticed the stainless steel pot used in the image above. Using stainless steel for this is A-OK. In the video, I used my 9-quart cast iron Dutch oven to make the broth. Use what you want.

I’m gonna tell you it’s the broth that will “make” that meal, and the only way to make a good broth is to make it yourself.

There is one reason I make my own broth: Flavor. And the flavor comes from two sources: The Beer and from the parts and pieces that are generated during meal preparation that are normally thrown away. 

Will we end up throwing these parts and pieces away? Sure, but not until we’ve rendered their flavor. It’s almost like tea; we simmer the tea in the water until we have changed the water into tea. Then, we toss the tea. 

A good broth jells (like Jell-O / Gelatin) when cooled. This is due to the structural protein found in the connective tissue: collagen. Collagen breaks down with prolonged simmering and cooking and dissolves in the liquid (the beer). A true bone broth…a good broth in general has some bouncy, wiggly, gelatin-like consistency when cool. Shelf-stable bone broths usually do not gel because the collagen has been removed or never was there in the first place. Not only are you missing the nutritional benefits of the broth, the way the final recipe will “feel” is not as pleasing…a different mouth-feel, if you will.

Think about it for a bit. Why does boneless chicken cost more per pound than whole chicken? There’s weight to the “trash” that the whole chicken has that boneless chicken does not. When preparing bell peppers or tomatoes, do you use the whole vegetable/fruit or do you throw away some parts as you prepare them? Potato peel, carrot tops, bell pepper placenta, and meat bone/fat/joints…this is usually tossed during the cooking process. Even that large base of celery; it usually hits the garbage can with a heavy “thud.” There’s flavor in that root end. Every bit of that has flavor…some of it has more flavor than the actual “good” parts themselves; it’s just trapped in an area of the food that is either not editable as is (bones and ligaments) or has a terrible mouth feel like chunks of fat, potato peels, and pepper placenta. 

I am not making it to reduce the salt/sodium or any other reason that is found on every single make-your-own broth blog. My reasons are dual and simple: Flavor and FLAVOR!

This recipe is easy. It’s so very easy. We create our broths from four sources:

  1. Using the bones, skin, and edible innards parts of chickens we’ve roasted or baked. We debone the chicken and gather the bones and parts into a container for future broth-making or we make it right away.
  2. Using the scraps from meal preparation. When you cut the core from a tomato, the bell pepper placenta, potato peel, onion skin and ends, and a whole array of other parts and pieces.
  3. When cooking a roast or chicken in a Dutch oven and the “juices” remaining in the pot. This is ALWAYS saved.
  4. We obtain some bones and scraps that are, more or less, edible but would never be considered something to sit and create a meal from. Bones, ligaments, and other parts from butchering. 


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Ever heard of Corona or Modelo? Sure, you have. Start with this easy-drinking beer. If you are a craft beer purist, no worries. Find one of your craft beers that are easy to drink like a lager or an ale. Here at first, avoid IPAs, seasonals, porters, and the others that may add a level of flavor you will experiment with later. Right now, let’s just create something amazing. Experiment later.

The Supplies 

  • Stainless Steel Pot for the Parts and Pieces like THIS ONE.
  • Bowl or other receptacle to hold the “good” parts that you will keep for another recipe.
  • Stirring Spoon or Spatula (to both stir the broth during the creation process and to “press” out the broth from the scraps in the strainer). This one is what I suggest: HERE.
  • Metal Strainer 
  • Bowl to catch the final broth
  • Jars to store the broth (if you are planning to store for later). I suggest wide-mouth Mason or Ball-type jars.  There will be a bit of fat that will solidify at the top of your refrigerated broth that will be easier to remove and use (yes…we do use that) from a wide-mouth jar.
  • Jar funnel – Trust me on this.
  • Affiliate Links Above


  • Bones, parts, and pieces from one whole deboned chicken – More if you have them.

  • 2-8 12oz Beers (Room Temperature)…or more.

Ready to Cook

All you need for this recipe are the bones from one chicken. If you have more, add more. If you have some vegetable scraps, add them too. 

Step 1: Start with a cast iron Dutch oven or another pot that will hold all of your ingredients

It’s okay if the ingredients are piled out and above the top of that Dutch oven. They will break down and render their flavor into that broth. The broth will simmer down a bit and become more concentrated. Just pile it in!


Step 2: The Beer. Add a lager or light, not-too-bitter ale to the pot. You’re going to need to add as many as it takes or supplement with water or broth-from-a-box.

The amount of beer to add is up to you. 

First and foremost…NO! You will not get drunk on this broth. Alcohol has a much lower gas point that water does. If you are adding a 6% ABV (alcohol by volume) beer to this pot, then long before that broth starts to steam, that alcohol will gas off. 

You’ve heard the statement regarding alcohol in food, “It’ll cook out.” And it does. There is no “away” in the world; the alcohol does leave the meal just like water does: as a gas. A 6% ABV beer will lose about 6% of the volume pretty quickly. 

Note: Alcohol “cooks out” at about 173.1°F (78.37°C). The liquid will not even be bubbling yet by the time the Ethanol (https://www.alcoholrehabguide.org/alcohol/types/) starts to steam out. When your liquid reaches 212°F (100°C), you’ll notice a nice boil start (the boiling point of water).

What I am looking for in my broth is some body. I want the broth to have a heavier and fuller flavor and mouthfeel than broth-in-a-box or water has. That beer will add that body and those real ingredients will add that flavor. 

The broth will NOT taste like beer. But, use caution with a beer that has a distinctive flavor ingredient. You can bet your witches and warlocks that the fall pumpkin ale you add to this broth will give you a pumpkin-ey broth. And, you can bet Santa’s beer belly that if you use a winter spruce tip lager in that broth, you’ll have a bit of a spruce-ey broth. That may be okay. Maybe you are going to use the pumpkin broth for a pumpkin chili base. And spruce tip flavor sure does complement chicken, just like rosemary does. 

For the most part, use an easy-drinking lager for this recipe. And, if you find that you have a lot of ingredient scraps and not quite enough beer to bring the liquid volume up to the point you need, you can add a bit of water or even one of those boxes of store-bought “broth.” 

Add the beer to the pot and just up to where the ingredients move freely in the liquid. You do not need to cover the ingredients with the liquid. The ingredients will cook down and will be under that liquid soon.


Step 3: Heat the pot on medium heat until the liquid starts to simmer.

Then turn everything about in that pot to get the ingredients to settle a bit. 


Step 4: Once the simmering starts, turn the heat down to low or medium low. Cover the pot with the lid.

Let things settle for a while and stir the pot about once every 20-30 minutes for the first hour. Put the lid on the pot but leave an edge open to allow the steam to escape. We want the pot to simmer and not become a rolling boil. The lid over the pot will help hold the heat to allow for simmering. The opened edge at the top will keep the pot from boiling too hard. 


Step 5: Keep stirring the broth about every 20-30 minutes until things start to break down. 

You’ve heard of bone broth, right? We are making a mini pot of bone broth right here. Most bone broths take hours and hours to create and are made in some considerable volumes. 

I have a recipe for beef bone broth that takes an entire day. Here’s the link: https://beerandiron.com/beer-beef-bone-broth-recipe-in-a-cast-iron-dutch-oven

This is not really a recipe. It’s a process. We will often spend the week cutting and chopping and roasting and skillet-ing. And, as we create our dinners, there are things that are often tossed. We’ll hang onto those trimmings, peelings, parts, bones, and pieces until we are ready to make a broth.

A long simmering time will allow all these parts and pieces to break down…ESPECIALLY the chicken bones and connective tissues. Eventually you will notice as you are turning and rotating the pot of “stuff” that the bone ends are bare and without any cartilage. The joints that were connected even after roasting the chicken are now broken apart and separated.

This is EXACTLY what we are looking for. And, we’ll let it simmer even longer.

Most of the ingredients are below the liquid level now. They are soft and fragile and some are almost liquified. We’ll call it broth-ified. The collagen from the chicken bones and the broken-down parts and pieces of meat and vegetables are creating a nice and heavy broth full of nutrients. 

As you cook, and if you notice the liquid level is getting too low, add more beer, water, or boxed broth. 


Step 6: Once the broth is “done,” take the pot off the heat and let things cool a bit.

I set things aside and let them cool down but don’t let things cool down to room temperature. I let the liquid cool to about the temperature of a cup of coffee. 


Step 7: Have your jars ready to be filled with the broth.

We are going to put the broth in the canning jars for refrigerator storage. THIS IS NOT A CANNING RECIPE. The broth created by following this recipe will have to be refrigerated. It will spoil at room temperature. With that being said, you can pressure can this broth following a canning recipe.

You will see in the video that I make a huge freakin’ mess while I pour the broth over to the jars. Even with the canning funnel. It is what it is. It’s likely because I am a male and prone to making messes (my wife has me convinced that I am handicapped because of a genetic issue: my Y-Chromosome). 

My suggestion is to use wide-mouth jars. This broth will jell-up and it’s easier to get out of the jars with the wide mouth. 

Step 8: Set a bowl with a metal strainer near the pot of broth and parts and pieces. 

Place a metal strainer in the bowl to catch the solids. Using a ladle, we scoop up the solids and pour them over to the strainer. Then we stir the mash around and try to get as much of the liquid from that mushy stuff as we can. 

Like in my beef bone broth recipe, you can “wash” the used material by placing it back in the pot and adding some fresh beer over the mushy stuff and spent bones. There will be enough of the broth and collagen left to actually jellify the beer when cooled. Message me if you need more explanation.

You can then use the drained solids for compost (except the bones), feed them to a worm bin, or throw them away. 


Step 9: Ladle the broth into the metal strainer and separate the broth from the liquid.

Scoop up the liquid and solids and ladle them over into the strainer over the bowl. We are actually focused on the solids here. We want to get as much of the solids out as we can, so we are able to pour the pot over the strainer and get all the broth out and free of the solids. 


Step 10: Pour the broth into a storage container like Mason or Ball jars.

If you don’t have any quart-size canning jars, you should get a set. They are so very helpful and handy. They can handle the extreme temperature changes like Pyrex glass can. And they are not too spendy. If they break or crack, we just recycle them (they take our glass here!).

Place a canning funnel over the mouth of the canning jar and pour the broth into the jars. The sad thing is: you’ll get far less broth than you think you’ll be getting. It is what it is.


Step 11: Put a lid over the jars of broth and store them in the refrigerator until you are ready to use.

The jars of broth will not last indefinitely. My suggestion is to use the broth in a soup, stew, chili, or something else before you start wondering, “is this okay to eat?” How long will that take? I don’t know the answer to that question. But, when I have broth like this available, I plan on a meal that will allow me to use the broth within a week. 

And there you go! You did it! How did it turn out?

Chef Tip #1: Don’t Burn Yourself

When pouring in Step #10, you’ll note the chicken parts are “sunken” to the bottom of the pot and will remain at the bottom of the pot until the angle of the pot during the pouring has reached a certain point. THEN the parts and pieces will “fall” to the side of the pot you are pouring toward. 

It’s hard to pour this “away” from you and you will likely be inclined to pour “towards” you. When these ingredients “fall,” that liquid will splash. There are hot oils in that broth and the hot broth itself that will burn you or, in the least, make a mess on your counter or floor. 

When about half of the liquid has poured into the colander, stop and “help” the chicken parts to gather on the side of the pot that you are pouring from. Then slowly continue pouring and let the parts and pieces slide into the colander to continue draining.

Chef Tip #2: It’s Okay to Use Stainless…or Cast Iron

We use a copper-bottomed stainless 6-quart pot for making broth from one or two chickens. We use stainless because the simmer time is so long. Beer and anything that contains alcohol is going to be acidic. And, truth be known, I’ll cook up a tomato dish in any of my non-enamled, well-seasoned cast iron pots and will not lose a wink of sleep over it…and…I create broth in my cast iron too…just like in the video.

Though the likelihood of metal molecules leaching into my food likely happens every single meal, we’re not cooking in lead or aluminum; we’re cooking in cast iron. Iron is both a material and a mineral. We need iron to have good health (https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Iron-Consumer/). I don’t worry about my cast iron dissolving or becoming damaged by the acid foods and liquids I cook in them. I worry about the possibility of a metallic taste that may form with foods that need to simmer for longer periods of time like broths.

Some of my broths will cook for 24 hours (not this recipe). And, from what I understand, 2-8mg of iron will leach per cup of acid food/liquid per 30 minutes of cooking time. My 12-inch skillet is about 3,628,736mg of iron; 2-8mg is not a big deal even every 30 minutes for 24 hours…that broth would need to cook for something like 25 YEARS to melt my pan (LOL)!  But, if off-flavors are a concern, then use a stainless pot…we have that one and only and use it for broth-making and noodle cooking.

With that being said, I use my 9-quart cast iron pot to create a beef broth (https://beerandiron.com/beer-beef-bone-broth-recipe-in-a-cast-iron-dutch-oven) that has a 24-hour cook time. It’s always been a great recipe and I have never had a metallic taste to my meals. So, if you are a purist cast-iron person, rock on with a cast iron Dutch oven to create your broth.

Chef Tip #3: Note on Storage

Storing in canning jars is not “canning” per se’. We are using the jars because of their convenience. Don’t store this broth in plastic. You can use something like Pyrex if you like. You will NEED to refrigerate this broth after you “jar” it and after it’s cooled a bit. You can “can” the broth but this canning process is beyond the scope of this recipe. 

Note: canning jars are commonly made of annealed glass. Pyrex glass is made of borosilicate glass, which is more resistant to thermal shock than annealed glass. We let the broth cool a bit before pouring over into the container we are planning to store the broth in. 

And, it’s okay if that “skin” forms on the broth’s surface before storing; it’ll “dissolve” into the broth once the broth is in the jar.

Chef Tip #4: Do You Have Dogs?

When you are done with your broth creation, you’ll have your broth and your meat parts separated. Depending on how long you simmered your broth will affect the present “durability” of the connective tissue. Many times I am surprised as to how much “meat” is left after I de-bone the chicken and create my broth. 

We have pups in our home; two hair and poop factories on four legs. I will take some time and remove all the big, little, and even TINY bones from the “trash” that’s left in the colander and pull out some meat to use as “treats” for the dogs. My suggestion is to only give them a little at a time. You will likely get anywhere from ½ to a full cup (or more) of meat parts that are not bone.

I have a recipe on how to create dog cookies using scraps of meat. Check it out here: 

Throw the bones away; don’t feed them to your dogs. Also, consider the other ingredients in your broth creation. Did you use any garlic, onions, or other ingredients that are not OK for dogs? Use your good judgment when feeding your dogs from this recipe.

Chef Tip #5: Time Saver

Broth-making is more passive than active. Once you put those ingredients into that pot for simmering, you’re pretty well free to create another meal or prep for the meal you are going to use that broth with. 

Sometimes I will save the parts and pieces from many different cooks. They may be frozen or refrigerated. A nice rainy or snowy day makes a good day to create broth for the future. Once you put it on the heat, there’s little to do but wait and stir things once in a while.

You better have something planned for dinner later that will taste as good as that simmering broth will smell. Once that aroma permeates the home, your family will definitely ask, “what’s for dinner?” That anticipation doesn’t need to be disappointed by, “What’s this? What was that you were cooking earlier?” 

Chef Tip #6: My Broth Didn’t Gel!

A good broth jells (like Jell-O / Gelatin) when cooled. But, if yours does not, it’s likely one of two reasons: 1) You didn’t simmer it long enough for the connective tissues to dissolve into the broth (this is a molecule-by-molecule process and takes time). 2) There just wasn’t enough connective tissues in the scraps themselves to dissolve (common with small broth batches).

If your broth does not gel; then no worries! Just cook with it; it’ll be A-OK!

If you’ve got minutes, then cook for minutes. But, if you have hours…simmer it for hours and add more beer as it reduces to keep the liquid level up.

WAIT! You forgot the Salt!

Actually, I did not. Salting a dish is a tricky deal to say the least. I don’t know what your “salty” tastes like. So, I wrote an article on how to salt a soup, stew, chili, or bisque. It’s a how-to-salt-just-about-anything-perfectly article. READ IT HERE.

So, no. I don’t add salt to this broth recipe. I add salt to the recipe I am going to cook with this broth but not during the broth creating process.

One of the reasons I don’t add salt is that I am usually using a brined chicken…and the amount of saltiness depends on so many factors that occurred from when you first put that raw chicken in that beer brine. Read my article on “Salt” to learn how I perfectly salt a recipe.

You’ve had those thin, watery soups before. You’ve struggled to bring body to your stews. We’ve added this and that and still feel, “it’s missing something.” What your soup, stew, or chili is missing is body and the core flavor. It’s the broth that will make or break a pot of soup, stew, or chili.

Take the time and save the week’s trimmings, bones, and scraps. Keep them refrigerated until you have enough to make your broth. Give this a try and let me know what you think.



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Beer and Chicken Bone Broth

Using left over parts and pieces of chicken and even vegetable parts to create a truly awesome broth for amazing soups, stews, chili, and bisque.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours
Course Soup


  • Stainless Steel Pot Use Cast Iron if You Prefer
  • Bowl For placing the "good" meat as you debone.
  • Stirring Spoon or Spatula
  • Metal Strainer
  • Bowl To catch the final broth
  • Jars To store the broth
  • Jar Funnel


  • 1 Chicken Bones Bones and parts from one or more de-boned chicken
  • 4 12 Ounce Beer 4 or More Mild Lagers or Ales – More ingredients means more beer.


  • Roast the Chicken to 165°F / 75°C
  • Let the Chicken Cool
  • Debone the Chicken
  • Place all the bones and scraps from the chicken in a cooking pot.
  • Pour over 4 or More Beers to cover by 1-2 inches of liquid
  • Place the pot with the lid on over a medium low heat and bring to a simmering boil. Then, reduce the heat to low.
  • Stir the pot every once in a while. The time to cook should be at least 30 minutes. But, we usually go over an hour or two (or longer)
  • As the liquid reduces, add more room-temperature beer to the broth-in-the-making.
  • After 30 minutes to many hours, place the metal strainer / colander over the bowl you are planning to drain the broth into. Pour the liquid over into the colander with all the meat scraps left in the colander.
  • Use the broth immediately or save in the refrigerator until you are ready to use.


A good broth gels (like Jell-O / Gelatin) when cooled. But, if yours does not, it’s likely one of two reasons: 1) You didn’t simmer it long enough for the connective tissues to dissolve into the broth (this is a molecule by molecule process and takes time). 2) There just wasn’t enough connective tissues in the scraps themselves to dissolve (common with small broth batches).
If your broth does not gel; then no worries! Just cook with it; it’ll be A-OK!
If you’ve got minutes, then cook for minutes. But, if you have hours…simmer it for hours and add more beer as it reduces to keep the liquid level up.
Keyword bisque, bone, bone broth, broth, chicken, chili, soup base, stew
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
Beer Beef Bone Broth Recipe in a Cast Iron Dutch Oven

Beer Beef Bone Broth Recipe in a Cast Iron Dutch Oven

Beer Beef Bone Broth a rich and nutritious broth made from what most call soup bones and butcher scraps. And it makes the most amazing soup, chili, and stew base you’ve ever wanted to taste.

Broth from a box will get you “this is good stew” complements but, this broth will make stew so good they’ll start trying to speak “this stew is amazing” before they even swallow (so keep a napkin ready).

This is not a typical bone broth recipe and is not for drinking like a “normal” bone broth recipe. We will not add any salt, apple cider vinegar, or vegetables.

Mexican-Style Ground Turkey and Beer-Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers in Cast Iron

Mexican-Style Ground Turkey and Beer-Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers in Cast Iron

As rumor has it, there was this fella named Christopher Columbus that sailed the ocean blue in 1492. Poor fella; was searching for India and the peppercorn plant and found the Bahamas and the bell pepper. Good ‘ol Christopher saw all those peppers and said,…

Quick and Easy Beer Rice

Quick and Easy Beer Rice

The foolproof method of creating the perfect rice is right here. A four-ingredient recipe that will offer hints of fresh-baked bread as it simmers followed by a sharp flavor with the perfect, billowy texture.

First of all, this recipe is meant to be used with other recipes. The flavor may be a bit too bitter or sharp for some and a bit too salty for others. However, I know good and well everyone who makes this recipe will take a taste out of the pot…just to see. Be careful; you may just love the flavor…like I do!

Perfect rice is always a 2:1 ratio: two parts liquid to one part rice. Cooking with beer is a little tricky.

Depending on the style of beer, beer is upwards to 95% water. Ethanol (the alcohol in beer) has a boiling point of 78°C (172.4°F) and will “gas off” at that temperature. Water, on the other hand, boils and becomes steam at 100°C (212°F). By the time the beer has reached the point where the rice begins to cook, the alcohol has long since “gassed off.”

Consider that awesome lager you have left in that growler you filled up last weekend that you’ve been saving to cook with. You pour that semi-flat, 6-percent-er in that pot with the rice and the other ingredients at a 2-part rice to a 1-part beer ratio. By the time you start seeing steam, that 2-part is missing 6% of the overall liquid. As the rice cooks, the water that remains will also “gas off” as steam thereby reducing the overall volume even farther. Fear not my young Mageirocophobia-suffering friend, the rice will cook A-OK!

The “sweets” of the beer are less-than-notable after being cooked with rice; and the “bitters” are much more pronounced. With that being said, I love bitter beer and this dish…as a side dish…is right down my alley.

2 Quart Cast Iron Sauce Pot for cooking the rice (okay, if you want to use a different pot for the rice, we’ll let it slide…this time).

The one I have is an old, Asian-made, pockmarked piece that I pulled from a junk pile on the way to recycle. It’s a go-to for sure. I have a metal-lined glass lid to top it with. Every kitchen needs a nice 2-quart cast iron pot. Affiliate Link:

I know many don’t have a pot this small, and that’s okay. Really, any pot you cook rice in will work fairly okie-dokie. My advice is to use a pot that is sized to match the amount of rice you are preparing. A 2-quart pot for a this 3/4-cup-rice-to-1-1/2-cup-beer works perfect. A 5 quart may let things spread out a bit too much and allow for too much evaporation during cooking; your rice will be undercooked. But, a 5-quart will work if this recipe is doubled.

A nice lager will work well. I’d avoid ales; we love that hoppy touch to a beer but the remaining bitters may be a bit overwhelming in this recipe. Lagers are brewed at cooler temperatures and will have a milder flavor than an Ale (Like an IPA). 

Avoid the beers with a sweeter flavor like porters and stouts. Sours are brewed with both yeast and bacteria…it’s the bacteria that gives the sour beer it’s sourness. This doesn’t work well in this rice recipe.

With that being said, you can try any beer in this recipe; to each his/her own, right?


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  • ¾ Cup Measuring Cup (or combination)
  • Teaspoon
  • Butter Knife
  • Wooden Spoon to Stir the Ingredients (affiliate link)
  • Spoon from the Silverware Drawer to Taste the Rice for Doneness

Read: Why I Use Wooden Utensils with my Cast Iron.

  • 1 – 12-ounce beer (a cup and a half)
  • ¾ Cup of Rice (level and flat).
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (Use LESS if you are using this as a side dish)
  • 1 pat of butter (to taste). We use about ½ of a tablespoon as measured on the paper/foil butter wrapper.

Step 1: Put the sauce pot on the stovetop on low/medium heat.

Step 2: Add the 1 ½ cups of beer to the sauce pot slowly to avoid creating a head

Step 3: Add the ¾ cup of rice

Step 4: Add the 1 teaspoon of salt

Step 5: Using the wooden spoon, stir all the ingredients together slowly to avoid the beer “heading up.”

Step 5: Add the Butter (yep…just chunk in that pat of butter…it’ll float and later “disappear”).

Step 6: Leave the rice to simmer. If it boils over, you may need to add more liquid and turn the heat down a bit (the heat may be too high causing the boil over).

Step 7: Once the rice has “risen” above the liquid and the little bubbling has stopped, give the rice a taste. Use your good judgment and experience on what you agree “cooked rice” taste like and the consistency you’re looking for.

About the salt: This recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of salt. Salt is a tricky thing; we use the course Himalayan salt “measures” less than the fine-grind “table” salt. Use less if in doubt based on your experience with your own palate and personal preferences.

Also, use less salt if you are planning to use this recipe as a side dish; the a-bit-too-saltiness is okay with another recipe. The 1-teaspoon salting for a side dish will make it a bit too salty-tasting.


Beer and Iron Recipe Subscription

I’ll send you a message each time a new recipe is published.

I HATE SPAM TOO! Read my Privacy Policy for more Information.

Beer Rice

A quick rice recipe to use as an ingredient in many Beer and Iron recipes. Would not be good as a stand-alone side dish but sure does add a layer of YUM to other recipes.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Servings 4 People
Calories 139 kcal


  • 1 2 Quart Sauce Pot with a Lid Any pot / pan large large enough to hold 3 cups of ingredients.
  • 1 Knife To cut the butter
  • 1 Wooden Spoon To initially stir the rice into the beer
  • 1 ¾ Cup Measuring Cup To measure the rice first and then the beer
  • 1 Teaspoon Measuring Spoon To measure the salt
  • 1 Spoon From the silverware drawer to "taste" the rice for doneness.


  • ¾ Cup White Rice Brown rice is okay to substitute but you may need to add more liquid.
  • 1 12oz Beer 12oz beer is about 1½ cups of beer
  • ½ tbsp Butter A "Pat" of butter.
  • 1 tsp Salt Use Less if you are using this as a side dish.


  • Put the sauce pot on the stovetop on low/medium heat.
  • Add the 1 ½ cups of beer to the sauce pot slowly to avoid creating a head
  • Add the ¾ cup of rice
  • Add the 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Using the wooden spoon, stir all the ingredients together slowly to avoid the beer “heading up.”
  • Add the Butter (yep…just chunk in that pat of butter…it’ll float and later“ disappear”).
  • Leave the rice to simmer. If it boils over, you may need to add more liquid and turn the heat down a bit (the heat may be too high causing the boil over).
  • Once the rice has “risen” above the liquid and the little bubbling has stopped, give the rice a taste. Use your good judgment and experience on what you agree “cooked rice” taste like and the consistency you’re looking for.


Perfect rice is always a 2:1 ratio: two parts liquid to one part rice. Cooking with beer is a little tricky. Depending on the style of beer, beer is upwards to 95% water. Ethanol (the alcohol in beer) has a boiling point of 78°C (172.4°F) and will “gas off” at that temperature. Water, on the other hand, boils and becomes steam at 100°C (212°F). By the time the beer has reached the point where the rice begins to cook, the alcohol has long since “gassed off.”


Serving: 4gCalories: 139kcalCarbohydrates: 28gProtein: 2gFat: 2gSaturated Fat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 4mgSodium: 594mgPotassium: 40mgFiber: 1gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 44IUCalcium: 11mgIron: 1mg
Keyword beer, beer and rice, beer rice, beerrice, Recipe, Rice, rice and beer, rice beer, ricebeer
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