

Nutrition Disclaimer

Many of the recipes you find here may be considered by some to be gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, egg-free, and/or soy-free. BUT, they are not guaranteed to be gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, egg-free, and/or soy-free. Most of the recipes on beerandiron.com do not take into consideration (nor will always identify) gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, egg-free, soy-free, or any other foods that someone may have an allergy to, sensitivity to, or are attempting to avoid for personal reasons.

With that being said, if you are seeking recipes that are gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, egg-free, soy-free, or any other foods that you may have an allergy to, sensitivity to, or are attempting to avoid for personal reasons (whew, that’s a lot of words), and a recipe on beerandiron.com (a Sulae Arts LLC website) makes claims as to the recipe being either gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, egg-free, soy-free, or any is absent of any other food ingredients that you may have an allergy to, sensitivity to, or are attempting to avoid for personal reasons, please understand that I do not have control over the ingredients you use, the source you obtained the ingredients from, or the environment in which you use these recipes.

There will be recipes and articles that refer to a specific brand or ingredient. And, companies do change their product’s formula from time to time. You should always read labels. For example, if you are following a gluten-free diet, check on the gluten-free status of a product or ingredient by the product label or contacting the company that produces the product you are using.

Neither Sulae Arts LLC nor the authors / creators of Beer and Iron (beerandiron.com) are responsible or liable for any reactions that might result from following the posted recipes or other information. I’m going to leave your health as your responsibility

and by following any of the information published by Sulae Arts LLC or one of Sulae Arts LLC’s authors / photographers you agree

Sulae Arts LLC or one of Sulae Arts LLC’s authors / photographers are not responsible for the outcome of any recipe you try from beerandiron.com. Your end results may not be the same results I have (not to say that your results will be lacking or inferior…they may just be different). There are so many factors that may cause unexpected outcomes such as variations in ingredients, humidity, altitude, cooking temperatures, or and individual’s cooking abilities. And, yes…there may be typos, errors, omissions in the published materials and no, neither Sulae Arts LLC or the author / creator is responsible for the outcome of your recipe. These recipes are guides and not contractual agreements between author and cook. If you see a typo, error, and / or omission, let me know…I’ll get it fixed in a jiffy.

You agree to always use your best judgment and to follow official guidelines when cooking with raw ingredients such as eggs, meat and other perishable. The USDA is an awesome source for cooking with raw ingredients.

I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or dietician. The information I share is based on my own experiences, recipe experimentation, and good old fashion try, try again. This information comes from years of cooking and recording what I have learned from my own research and knowledge gained from other cooks and professionals. Any information you find on beerandiron.com is believed to be accurate at the time of publishing. And keep in mind that things (anything) could change including (but not limited to) a product’s reformulation or even new medical information.

The statements contained in this website or blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), or any other official / unofficial, private / governmental regulatory agency either by the USA or any other country. None of the information presented by Sulae Arts LLC or beerandiron.com is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Please consult a doctor before you change your diet. This includes following a diet that you are self-limited certain foods or are increasing certain foods. Please consult a doctor before taking any supplements.

Sulae Arts LLC or beerandiron.com does not, in anyway provide any warranty, express or implied, towards the content of the information and recipes published.

It is the reader’s responsibility to determine the value and quality of any recipe or instructions provided that you may prepare food from. It is the reader’s responsibility and to determine the nutritional value and safety of the preparation instructions. All information presented is intended for entertainment purposes only and if implemented, the user/reader will implement/follow the information at their own discretion and risk.

Basically: I do me; you do you. I prepared each of these recipes at my own risk. I hold no one accountable for my actions even if those actions were followed by the instruction of another as I am ultimately responsible for determining if the instructions are safe (either subjectively or objectively) in the first place. You agree to the same and, if you desire to follow the information presented, you are doing so “at your own risk.” This is not limited to adverse reactions to food consumed, accidents, damage, or the like.

Cooking is very subjective. Not to mention there are so many factors that you may encounter during your cooking experience. From different ingredient brands to the way ovens distribute heat (not to mention level of abilities that are developing in every cook / chef), you may find the recipe being BETTER than the author of the recipe. Or, it may not be better. Read and read again each step of each recipe you are experimenting with. Note any allergens. Use the right kitchen tools. What you decide to do with the recipes could be unlimited. But what you do is your responsibility.

If nutritional data is available, it is ONLY an approximation (a calculated guess) based on the data provided by organizations such as the USDA. This information is provided as a courtesy only and not guaranteed as being accurate. Maybe it’s close; maybe it’s way off. Nonetheless, it’s only calculated guess based on the ingredients used, values added, and servings suggested in the recipes. I am going to keep the information as accurate as humanly possible in order to maintain the standard you’d expect from any awesome food blog. Still, there are no warranties regarding accuracy. Nutritional values and data are only available from the professionals who make these determinations from the scientific processes they use. Nutritional information can fluctuate for many reasons such as measuring methods to the calorie calculating source you use.

Again, you will not hold Sulae Arts LLC or the authors of beerandiron.com liable for anything you do and any action you take is strictly at your own risk.

These recipes include alcoholic substances. WE DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC SUBSTANCES OF PERSONS BELOW THE LEAGAL AGE AS DETERMINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY UNDERWHICH THE READER RESIDES. Regardless of being “cooked out,” we do not and will not suggest that someone not of the legal drinking age consume alcoholic substances either directly, indirectly, or consume the foods in which the alcoholic substances is used as an ingredient. To be clear: call your local lawmakers for clarification on the purchase, consumption, and distribution of alcoholic substances and the foods that include alcoholic substances. YOU TAKE FULL RESPONIBILITY OF YOUR ACTIONS AND AGREE TO ADHEAR TO THE LAW OF THE LAND.

Eat and DRINK responsibly. If you break the law (knowingly or unknowingly) as a direct or indirect result of the information published by Sulae Art LLC / beerandiron.com, you are responsible for your own actions.

What if your age, religious practices, or disease process does not allow for the consumption of alcoholic substances?

Most of these recipes can be created “dry.” What do I mean with I say, “dry?” You can create most all of these recipes without using alcoholic substances. And, occasionally, I will offer the substitution (more broth, water, milk, buttermilk, oil, and the like) in the recipe. Will it taste the same without beer? No. But will it still taste awesome? ABSOLUTELY!

If laws / personal preferences permit, consider a non-alcoholic alternative in your recipes. But please be aware, some municipalities and laws do not allow for the purchase / consumption of even non-alcoholic substances to under-aged persons.

Again, we do not condone or support under-aged drinking / alcoholic consumption regardless of any perceptions that the “alcohol will ‘cook-out’ during the cooking process.”